The Rite of Confirmation will take place in Term 3, 2025.
2025 Dates
Sunday 14th September – Mass 1 at 11.30am and Mass 2 at 3.00pm
Sacramental Preparation Lessons
For St Michael’s, State and Independent school candidates, there will be 3 lessons held over 3 consecutive weeks in August 2025.
Rehearsal & Reconciliation
All candidates are required to attend a Rehearsal and Reconciliation in preparation for celebrating the Rite of Confirmation.
Celebrating Confirmation 2025
Please note the children at St Michael’s Parish celebrate their Confirmation in Year 6 or above. They are required to be baptised in the Catholic faith and to have received their First Reconciliation and celebrated their First Holy Communion before celebrating Confirmation. If your child needs to receive either of the previous sacraments please contact the parish office to discuss ph 9427 2034.
Confirmation Commitment Mass to be held on Sun 10th August at 6pm – this will be followed by a short Information session in the Church, then pizza in the hall.
All St Michael’s, State and Independent school candidates prepare for their Confirmation with 3 lessons held over 3 consecutive Sundays in August 2025 – 10th, 17th and 24th.
Program – 9.30 Mass, 10.30 Morning Tea, 10.45 to 11.30 Activity. Full attendance is required and at least one parent / carer to attend with each child. .
Reconciliation, liturgy rehearsal and Mass attendance is scheduled in preparation for celebrating the Rite of Confirmation. It is compulsory that candidates make their Reconciliation and attend the liturgy rehearsal.
Mass 1 Rehearsal – Wed 10th September, Mass 2 Rehearsal – Thursday 11th September Reconciliation is at 6.30pm (Reconciliation) 7pm (Rehearsal).
St Michael’s students will have both rehearsal and reconciliation during school hours.
Candidates may choose a Confirmation name (preferred), or they can be confirmed using the Christian name that they were given at baptism. If they wish to choose a confirmation name, that is the name the Bishop will use when confirming them. So for example, if Mary Smith were to choose Bernadette as a confirmation name, the Bishop would say when confirming her, “Bernadette, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”. If candidates decide to adopt a confirmation name they need to choose the name of a Catholic saint whose life has inspired them.
Each child needs to choose a sponsor to be with them and help them prepare for their Confirmation . Before selecting a sponsor please read the message from Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP as this person must meet certain criteria.. Download here.
Enrolment for Confirmation can be made via the Parish website (available soon).
Information required when booking include: Baptism and sacrament information, if not previously received at the Parish. Nominate a Confirmation name if taking a name other than their baptismal name. Nominate the name of their chosen sponsor and contact number of sponsor. There is a $30.00 program fee for all students.
Contact the Parish office on 9427 2034 if you require further information
or email Lisa Rossi at